Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure Automation

Setup Continuous Delivery pipelines, self-managed self-healing Cloud Native infrastructure using the latest tools and best practices.

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Kubernetes & Container Adoption

Enable container-based application delivery & deployment to accelerate your cloud native journey. Leverage our production-ready blueprints for Kubernetes, Mesosphere & GKE with monitoring, security and maintainability.

Learn more about our Kubernetes services

Continuous Integration & Delivery

Enable teams to rollout new changes to customers quickly in a sustainable way with minimal or no human intervention, using best-in-class CI/CD tools.

Cloud Infrastructure Automation

Architect and deploy cloud infrastructure with Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tools, enabling agility, stability and faster time-to-market.

Cloud Native Development

Deliver greenfield cloud-native software projects or refactor legacy applications to use a micro-services based architecture,  establishing business value and enabling faster delivery to customers.

Observability and Monitoring

Manage the security, risk, health, and performance of your applications across Kubernetes clusters and clouds.

Security & Compliance

Secure your infrastructure and application from day one. Integrate the best security & compliance practices within your development and DevOps processes.

Cloud Platforms

We have expertise in building and automating infrastructure across major cloud providers. Velotio also have expertise in building cloud-agnostic infrastructure and solutions for customers.


At DataFlexi Technologies, our engineers keep sharpening their skills and expertise so our customers can access best industry practices and the latest technologies.

How DataFlexi Technologies Built a No-Ops Platform on Kubernetes with CI/CD

Architected a CI/CD pipeline for all micro-services.
Help setup a production-grade Kubernetes with best practices.
Setup strong Observability with Metrics,  Log Monitoring and Analytics
Defined Entire Infrastructure as Code to ensure immutability and avoid configuration drift.
Read Case study
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Accelerate Your DevOps Journey with DataFlexi Technologies!

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